Puerto Rico: YPAR Initiative with University of Puerto Rico, Cayey students
2019-2022 PROJECT
In the summer of 2019, in partnership with Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias, the students in our UPR, Cayey research methods class were asked to present cultural artifacts that reflected their own experiences and those of their family, friends, and extended community after Hurricane Mária. They focused on the trauma of not just the natural disaster itself, but the aftermath, particularly surviving without any power from 2 months up to 6 or 8 months or even over 1 year for many.
2023-2024 PROJECT
In 2023, again in partnership with Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias, the students in our UPR, Cayey research methods class were asked to present or create cultural artifacts that reflected their own culture and their experiences with college access as well as researching the challenges of their peers and extended community, considering structural, political, institutional, and social barriers to college access.

Want to learn more? Listen to this podcast with Ashley D. Domínguez - Breaking the Mold: Inclusive Pedagogy, Puerto Rican Resilience, and the Power of Art in Advocacy. Dr. Domínguez unravels her summer research work in Puerto Rico, merging education with youth activism, and the potent influences of art, theater, and culture on community building and learning.