Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Presidential Session (November, 2021)
This symposium demonstrated our Participatory Action Research as pedagogy at University of Puerto Rico. Scholars and undergraduates from Puerto Rico joined to share insights on transitioning from resilience to resistance, incorporating creative elements to employ a decolonizing culturally-sustaining approach infusing elements of high impact practice to enhance student engagement in our research methods curriculum.;View the presentation.
As part of the Presidential Session, one of the students, Genesaret Flores, presented and explained the relevance and impact this video, which was her cultural artifact.
Candlelight from Verónica Ortiz-Calderón on Vimeo.
Another student, Adriana Rodriguez, shared the drawing she had first done as her cultural artifact in class, and also a new drawing she did, two years later, representing the new space she was in regarding that trauma.